Press & Media
The New York Times: Two Studies on Greenland Reveal Ominous Signs for Sea Level Rise
New Scientist: Greenland's glaciers are receding twice as fast as in the 20th century
Forbes: Current Climate: Greenland’s Glaciers Are Melting Faster
Bloomberg: Greenland’s Glaciers Are Shrinking at ‘Unprecedented’ Rate as Earth Warms
Northwestern Now: Greenland's glacier retreat rate has doubled over the past two decades
Yale Climate Connections: Danish photos from the 1930s show what Greenland's glaciers used to look like
PolarJournal: Arctic glaciers on the melt
Popular science writing
Research Briefing, Nature Climate Change: Documenting changes in Greenland's peripheral glaciers over more than a century
Behind the Paper, Earth & Environmental Sciences, A Community from Springer Nature: Retreat of Greenland's peripheral glaciers has accelerated
NCAR Climate Data Guide: An overview of paleoclimate information from high-resolution lake sediment records: Strengths, limitations and key databases